Use "evince|evinced|evinces|evincing" in a sentence

1. His conversation evinces great courage.

2. He evinced great sorrow.

3. Their conversation evinced great learning.

4. He evinced his displeasure by scowling.

5. These evinced no embarrassment at the encounter.

6. He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.

7. She evinced little enthusiasm for the outdoor life.

8. She evinced no surprise at seeing them together.

9. The dog evinced its dislike of stranger by growl.

10. They have never evinced any readiness or ability to negotiate.

11. It will evince more interest in Football in every generation.

12. Heathcliff, why don't you evince satisfaction at my pleasant news?

13. Experiments evince this algorithm is a good feature detection method.

14. She at last condescended to evince awareness of his proximity.

15. His driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, evinced no surprise.

16. Gumbel has evinced little interest in the new network so far.

17. He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family.

18. 7 His driver, a phlegmatic man in middle age, evinced no surprise.

19. Magpies, crows, and jays, evince symptoms of Caducity at the same age

20. Synonyms for Bespeaking include showing, indicating, revealing, displaying, signifying, demonstrating, denoting, evidencing, evincing and implying

21. This is the time that we must evince calm and wise restraint. Emotions must not run wild.

22. Even Barbara, who evinces by various proclamations a belief in my innocence, has never asked me directly.

23. Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome then.

24. Synonyms for Bespake include showed, shown, indicated, revealed, displayed, signified, demonstrated, denoted, evidenced and evinced

25. Anyway, it does no harm for a politician to evince some passing interest in sport.

26. In all the years I knew her, she never evinced any desire to do such a thing.

27. The singer evinced one bad habit in the Mahler group, a tendency to scoop into opening phrases.

28. It is true that the Ameliorating spirit of Christianity is evinced in the changes which the arena has undergone

29. Today it seems to evince a growing recognition that totalization can not be achieved without a movement involving the transcendence of itself.

30. Sire, the kindness your majesty deigns to evince towards me is a recompense which so far surpasses my utmost ambition that I have nothing more to ask for.

31. But whatever makes Lang Lang so beloved among audiences, in a field where thousands of other pianists evince perfect technique, surely includes his own enjoyment of what he does.

32. 18 He was determined to prevent it, if possible, though his mother, who equally heard the conversation which passed at table, did not evince the least disapprobation.

33. The Essenes were Jews who were remarkably similar to the early Christians as evinced in their deemphasis upon property and wealth, their communalism and in their rejection of animal sacrifices.

34. The high-rank administrators of the company evince, "The global virtual currency department is established to raise the quality of service, return the old customers and welcome the new customers."

35. I responded with a lengthy dissertation on what I'd so far learn, which wasn't much at the time, and was really only able to evince the need to be in exceptional physical condition before arriving.

36. You need to take the traumas and make them part of who you've come to be, and you need to fold the worst events of your life into a narrative of triumph, evincing a better self in response to things that hurt.

37. ‘Inside was an Xbox, complete with an Armful of games.’ ‘This movie is an Armful of horror ambience wrapped around a toothpick plot.’ ‘He returned from the championships with an Armful of medals.’ ‘His presence here can be evinced in a handful of amusing gag bits, and an Armful of the unamusing kind.’

38. Liant Apothegms are seen in it as “a disparity ef fecting no difference in the precedent,” or “ war, though no luxury is an expensive indulgence,” nor are we told of “universal alarm and uneasiness evincing a well grounded apprehension.” The stock of dictionaries must have run short.-««-— j From all parts of the State, the reeommen